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Ongoing Projects at

In literary realms, you can find lots of good erotic writing that covers a broad spectrum of tastes and practices, but when it comes to visual stuff, most of what's out there today is formulaic and (to my taste, anyway)  not terribly satisfying (see the looking at porn page for more on this).

"Well, what is good porn, then?" a friend of mine asked me recently.

My answer was, "Good porn (for me) would be something I enjoyed after sex as well as when I'm really turned on."

New Porn

So we're trying to organize projects of our own to create interesting new examples of that kind of erotica, and we're trying to encourage other people to do the same.  Check out the new porn page for more information about what we're trying to do.

The Erotic Artist Co-operative Structure (EACS)

We also want to define a structure within which people can collaborate safely and non-exploitatively on erotic art, and market the results in an equitable fashion.  We're starting with a mission statement and will be trying to come up with some examples of the kinds of contracts that could be used to establish this structure.  See the EACS page for more information.

Photo-Novella Storyboards

One of the forms we're experimenting with is that of the erotic "photo-novella," in which good photography is combined with text in a picture book that tells a story.  We're posting storyboards and storyboard fragments to get people thinking and talking about the potential of this medium.

Erotic Scripts and Screenplays

We're also encouraging people to share ideas they have for erotic movies or videos. Who knows if any will ever be produced, but it's worth getting the ideas out there. We've started by posting some script fragments and ideas (see the screenplays page for more information).

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 Send us feedback! (last updated 24 June 2007)