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Scripts and Screenplays

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Scripting Thoughts

The script of a short erotic video may have much in common with a poem or the lyrics to a song.  Its structure probably seldom takes the form of a classic linear plot. 

Erotic narratives have some common themes, such as:

  • Overcoming obstacles of fear or embarrassment, particularly around intimacy
  • Teasing, pursuit, negotiation and uncertainty (will s/he or won't s/he?)
  • Translation and realization of fantasies
  • Making, building or overflowing with love
  • Experiencing ecstasy

The trick will be to balance danger and safety.  The danger should be real — the script should push the actors' boundaries — but the crew and the whole space of the action must be profoundly safe, in a ritual sense, so that the process is constructive for the actors, and never results in a net increase in fear or discomfort. 

One approach to scripting might be to interview the actors first to identify one or more hot topics appropriate for them to address in the film.  The script would be developed collaboratively with them so as to create a clear, practical framework within which they can reveal the issues that make these topics hot, and then work towards a resolution through the course of the film. 

Modeling good communication will be useful both to create interesting stories and to show how people can work through problems. 

Letting the actors' talk about their own true-life experiences may often be a good technique, both for purposes of authenticity and because everyone loves to learn the intimate details of other people's lives. 

Acting and Directing Challenges

Good acting is the most important and difficult aspect of erotic cinema. 

It almost goes without saying that being naked, sexual and deeply intimate in front of a camera presents a big challenge for most people. 

At the same time, the natural, authentic, nuanced display of real emotion will be completely central to success.  What we're trying to show is not what people do, but what they feel about what they do. 

It's easier to overcome the false vulnerability of physical nakedness than the very real vulnerability of unclothing deep emotions.  It's easier to show animal sexual arousal than some of the deep fears that prowl around it. 

Creating the right atmosphere within which people can feel safe enough to deliver a compelling performance will be a challenge not only for the director, but for the entire organization, from one end of the creative process to the other. 

On the premise that authenticity will be the best ground for acting in this arena, direction should be anticipatory and non-invasive — scenes should be set up to play out over enough time that non-professionals can lose themselves in the action. 

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