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Rating and Parental Control


Part of this site may eventually contain explicit sexual images of a sort that are considered by law injurious to people under the age of 18.  That area will be clearly marked and rated to restrict anyone under 18 from going there.

However, the rest of the site contains information that's appropriate for anyone of any age who wants to find out more about sex, or look at it in new ways.  We feel strongly that everyone with a sincere interest has a right to as much accurate information and honest, thoughtful discussion as we know how to provide.  Whether you're under 18, over 80, or anywhere in between, it's a subject well worth considering.

Our Approach to Sexual Information

On this site, we don't pull any punches about people's sexual behavior.  We do our best to promote safer sex both in the medical sense, and in the sense of avoiding emotional wounds.  Because we think good sex is deeply spiritual, we strongly oppose attitudes that let people avoid intimacy and treat each other with disrespect, including all non-consensual behavior and any activities that result in harm to a participant.  Aside from that, though, we try to be respectful of all the many lovely down-and-dirty ways people find sexual delight.


There a number of colloquial "rude" words that do appear on the public part of the site.  They only appear, however, when referring literally to anatomy or activites that we believe are not dirty! Examples are cock for penis, cunt or pussy for the female genital area, fuck for sexual intercourse, and so on.  These are terms we want to reclaim for polite conversation, in their literal meanings!

We do self-censor any uses of such words as expletives or derogatory terms, since such uses can legitimately be considered "bad language" that children could be taught to avoid. 

Note to Parents

Many parents fear that the only way to protect their child's innocence is to keep the child ignorant.  As parents of grown and growing children, and as ex-children ourselves, we passionately disagree: a child's innocence derives from trust and safety, from being able to depend on being loved and respected, not from being kept in the dark about important matters.  Kids are wildly curious about sex along with everything else they need to know to become successful adults, and it's far better that they receive useful answers to their questions than having to rely on the misinformation and disinformation they get from their peer-groups and the culture at large.

If you're a parent, make an effort to remember what it was like being a teenager — it's is one of the greatest challenges anyone ever faces, and figuring out how to handle sex is one of the hardest parts of that challenge.  Let's not leave our kids hanging out in the dark in dangerous territory.

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 Send us feedback! (last updated 24 June 2007)